A Tribute to the Heart Horse


Something magical happens when you fall in love with a horse. It feels as though, suddenly, a piece of your soul exists outside of your body. This horse becomes a part of you, indefinitely tied together. A "heart horse" they call it.

Heart horses are sent to us to provide us with the comfort of unconditional love, the lessons of patience, and the feeling of connection and deep gratitude. You feel like the luckiest human in the world to be graced with such a wonderful gift. Your horse feels the same.

For as long as your heart horse is in their physical body, many of your actions will be dictated by what serves their best interest. You'll be hiking across a 3-acre field with 2 feet of snow to get to the one tree he's standing under to insure he's warm enough. You'll get out of bed at 2AM to go outside and check on him because you "have a feeling" you need to look. Others in your life will question your sanity, but you'll never question your own for one second. Because he is yours, and you are his.


The lessons he teaches you will often test your patience and your bravery. He’ll put things before you that ask you to look at parts of yourself you prefer to keep hidden from the world. But without fail, every time, he’ll love you even when you struggle to love yourself. He’ll stand behind you no matter what you’re facing so that you two can face it together. It’s an unspoken bond that transcends all other things. It’s something that only exists between horses and humans, this mystical partnership that defies all logic.

And when the day comes that your heart horse must leave his body, you’ll give him the gift of unconditional love. And he will feel like the luckiest horse in the world to be graced with such a wonderful gift. For a while, you’ll feel his absence everywhere. You’ll worry a piece of your soul will never return to your body. You’ll search desperately for his presence, terrified that you’ll never feel that connection again.

But in time, as the grief begins to settle, you’ll start to see and feel him in the most beautiful ways. And you’ll realize that he never really left. Because your heart horse lives within your heart and all around you. He’ll suddenly be closer than he ever was. He’ll stand behind you no matter what you’re facing so that you two can face it together. Because it’s an unspoken bond that transcends all other things. And this thing that exists between humans and horses? It’s a mystical partnership that defies all logic.

Something magical happens when you fall in love with a horse. And once you do, you’ll never go back to the way you were before.

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