A Big & Beautiful #LessonFromTheHorse


A big #LessonFromtheHorse came to me yesterday morning. I was inside doing some paperwork when Ollie popped into my mind. I acknowledged him as I always do when a horse checks in with me from afar, and continued on my task. But he was persistent. He kept asking me to come out and get him. He had something for me. So I set down what I was doing and headed outside.

I sat down in the round pen with him with my notebook and meditated a few moments, and the following is what came from my pen as he stood above me. I wasn't going to share, but as I re-read through it this morning, I realized how powerful it is, and how relatable it seems it can be. So, though a long one, I hope this #LessonFromTheHorse helps you, too. ❤️

"You're working so hard to get where you're going that you're missing what's in front of you, in each moment. Something beautiful happens every time you're with us, but if you keep being in a hurry, you'll miss it. You're going to get where you're meant to be, when you're meant to get there. No sooner, no later. Trust the timing.

You have everything you need. Because we will guide you. We will make you laugh when you need to. We will love you when you feel alone, and we will catch you if you happen to fall. We are a team. You must believe that.

Make sure you're feeling everything that you need to feel. Though your emotions are big and intense, they make you who you are and they're the reason you can help those who find their way to you. Feel big. Love big. Don't try to dampen anything. You're exactly how and who you need to be.

And it's okay to miss those who are gone. It's a tribute to how special they are and how big you loved them. Trust the process.

I will always love you. You've become everything you dreamed of being, but what you don't realize yet, is that you have so far to go. We'll be here every step of the way...just wait until you see what's in store.

Until then, find the patience to appreciate the beautiful moments. They're what makes it all worth it."


A Tribute to the Heart Horse


Developing True Interest