Working hard to help bring humans and horses together in harmony.
JESS Roberts
Founder & Head Trainer
Jess Roberts, owner and trainer of Harmonized Horsemanship, is a horse trainer and equine behaviorist. Specializing in the horse and human connection, Jess’ approach to horse training is designed to be fulfilling and rewarding for both horse and human. She combines a variety of different training techniques and approaches to create a deeper connection that results in a willing and happy equine partner. Jess has studied directly with some of the world’s renowned liberty trainers, and has immersed herself in many different training approaches and styles in her lifetime. This experience, combined with a degree in psychology and years of watching and interacting with hundreds of horses, helps Jess to be a translator between horse and human. She focuses on some of the subtleties of horse behavior that are often missed or overlooked, giving the horse a voice and a choice throughout the training process. Her combination of a variety of both learned and developed techniques allows her to work with a wide variety of horse and human personality types, truly customizing her approach for each individual.