Forgiveness and Freedom: A New Year's Resolution for You and Your Horse


As we step into the dawn of a new year, it's the perfect time to reflect, release, and set intentions for a brighter future. Just as we extend forgiveness to ourselves for past missteps, it's equally essential to extend the same grace to our four-legged companions. In the realm of horsemanship and the horse-human connection, the beginning of a new year offers us a chance to redefine and rejuvenate our partnerships.

Letting Go of the Past: A Gift to You and Your Horse

It's easy to get caught up in the tapestry of our past experiences with our horses. We've all got a history with our horses—ups, downs, and everything in between. It's easy to get caught up in the "should've, could've, would've," but here's the real scoop: horses don't wake up plotting chaos. They're emotional, sensitive beings, responding to the energy and cues in their environment. They're tuned into our vibes, our energy. More often than not, it's our human shenanigans that create bumps in the trail.


The Quickness of Equine Forgiveness

One remarkable aspect of our equine friends is their ability to forgive and move forward swiftly. Horses live in the present moment, and unlike humans, they don't carry grudges from yesterday's struggles. It's a profound lesson we can learn from them—to let go of past grievances and embrace the potential for positive change.

The Human Element: Breaking Free from Negative Patterns

Understanding that horses thrive in positive, happy relationships, we must acknowledge our role in shaping the dynamics. The journey to a harmonious partnership begins with us. It's not about forcing compliance but rather fostering trust and connection. As we embark on this new year, let's embrace partnership-based, force-free horse training—a method that places the emphasis on collaboration and mutual understanding.


Permission to Imperfection: Learning and Growing Together

Perfection is an illusion, and nowhere is this truer than in the world of horsemanship. Giving ourselves and our horses permission not to be perfect is a liberating concept. It means embracing the idea of learning and growing together. Every challenge becomes an opportunity for understanding, every misstep a chance for improvement. In this mindset, we create a foundation for a long-lasting, positive relationship with our horses.

Setting Intentions for the New Year

Picture this: a year where you and your horse communicate in a dance, every misstep is a lesson, and progress is the name of the game. Set intentions that prioritize patience, understanding, and joy in our interactions with our horses. 


In Conclusion: A Year of New Beginnings

This new year holds the promise of a fresh start, not only for ourselves but also for the incredible companions who grace our lives—our favorite equines. As we forgive, release, and set intentions, let's remember that every day is an opportunity to deepen the bond with our equine friends. May the coming year be filled with moments of connection, growth, and the pure joy that comes from sharing our lives with these extraordinary beings. Here's to a year of new beginnings, both for you and your horse.

If you need some support along the way, be sure to join our mailing list and watch social media for a chance to join an exclusive, members-only Facebook group all about helping you deepen the relationship with your horse!


Launching The Harmonized Hub: A Haven for Harmonious Horsemanship


Embracing Winter Horsemanship: Quality Time Trumps Quantity