Spoiler Alert: You Can Actually Talk To Your Horse
I used to think people who talked to horses had superpowers. I would have these amazing dreams where I was looking at my horse and talking to him so openly and easily. Then I would wake back up and enter the world of “reality” again. “Hmph,” I would think. “Well, a girl can dream.” Little did I know we all have this gift.
I used to think people who talked to horses had superpowers. I would have these amazing dreams where I was looking at my horse and talking to him so openly and easily. Then I would wake back up and enter the world of “reality” again. “Hmph,” I would think. “Well, a girl can dream.” Little did I know we all have this gift.
We’re conditioned by society to believe that we can’t truly connect without verbal communication. This is why we spend so much time as children developing our speech. Because a long time ago, humans developed the ability to speak, followed later by mapping the brain and labeling what each segment of the contents of your skull are responsible for. Your brain, or your “mind”, are given the most weight and respect when it comes to expressing yourself and communicating with others.
In fact, we’re so conditioned to believe that this is the “only way,” that those who CAN communicate without words (i.e. animal communicators, mediums, etc.), have throughout history been labeled as “taboo” or (my personal favorite) “crazy.” And so we shut off our connection to our body. In extreme cases, not only do we stop listening to it, but we use our brains to try and “reason” our way out of what we are feeling. And if that doesn’t work, we either write it off as a “feeling” or we seek some type of remedy to just “make it go away.”
The feelings you have in your body: the pressure you may feel in your chest, or a tightness in your stomach that can’t be resolved by eating, a heaviness that feels trapped near your lungs...this is all part of a form of communication that we began to ignore long ago. This is one of the main ways that you energetically connect to the world, without needing language, reason and speech.
So begin to acknowledge those feelings. You don’t have to DO anything about them just yet, but begin to acknowledge them. Why? Because this is where your horse exists. This is how your horse connects to and communicates with, not only you, but the entirety of the world around him/her.
You don’t need to have “special powers” to communicate in this way. This is how beings (both animal AND human) have communicated for millions of years. It’s the flow of the energetic connection. So, to start, just begin to acknowledge and honor those feelings you have in your body. You don’t need to DO anything about them for now (we’ll get to that later), but just start to strengthen the muscle and connection between the mind and the body. To truly connect and create with your horse, you must be willing to explore the absolute gift of nonverbal communication.
Jess Roberts is a horse trainer and equine behaviorist in Colorado who specializes in the horse and human connection. Jess combines a variety of different training techniques and approaches to create a deeper connection that results in a willing and happy equine partner.